Exclusive offers

Camping La Davière Plage****

Premium Family Offer

This year discover with your family/friends our 3 bedrooms Homeflower Premium mobil-home with its covered terrace and small private garden with a plancha starting at 349€ per week for 4 !
(from 01/05/2024 till 08/06/2024 – from 08/0/2024 till 29/06/2024 - from 29/06/2024 till 08/07/2024)

Camping La Davière Plage****

Comfort Family Offer

Enjoy a Safari stay in our fully-equipped cotton hut from 329€ per week!
​(from 01/05/2024 till 08/06/2024 – from 08/06/2024 till 29/06/2024 - from 29/06/2024 till 06/07/2024 - from 31/08/2024 till 16/09/2024)

Camping La Davière Plage****

Premium Couple Offer 

Enjoy a stay in our Premium accomodations starting 279€/week for 2. (From 01/05/2024 till 08/06/2024 – from 08/06/2024 till 06/07/2024 - from 31/08/2024 till 16/09/2024)


Camping La Davière Plage****

Comfort Couple Offer 

Enjoy a Comfort stay for 2 starting 229€ per week! 
(from 01/05/2024 till 08/06/2024 – from 08/06/2024 till 06/07/2024 - from 31/08/2024 till 16/09/2024)

(+33) 02 51 58 27 99 daviereplage@orange.fr
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